Aircraft Insurance Outlook – November 2024
What is the new max age for single pilot turbine powered aircraft? In 2020 - 2022 the max age for single pilot turbine powered aircraft was 75 years old. In 2023 that age started to trend up to 78. Now in 2024 it’s topped out at 80 years old. I don’t see how it can go...

The Hardest Aircraft to Insure Post-Pandemic – Is Yours on the List?
It was hard not to notice the premium rate increases across the board when aircraft owners and operators started receiving their 2021 insurance renewals. For many, this marked the second or even third year of consecutive rate increases ranging from 10 to 100 percent....

Three Aircraft Insurance Tips for a Tight Market
While there’s not much a flight department manager can do about the rising cost of airplane insurance currently, Benjamin Peterson of Sunset Aviation shares tips on how to qualify for the best premiums available… You’ve probably already noticed an uptick in aviation...

For owners of jets
For crew aircraft/turbo jets ie) Gulfstream, it's safe to say assume that both pilots are going to be required to complete annual simulator training in the same make and model aircraft at one of the approved simulator training facilities such as Simcom, CAE Simuflite,...