Aircraft Insurance Outlook – January – March 2025
Why is aviation insurance a “soft market” again? I was at the HeliExpo in Dallas last week and the new talking point I keep hearing about for aircraft insurance is “soft market”. It kinda looks like the aviation insurance market is heading back to 2010 again with...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – November 2024
What is the new max age for single pilot turbine powered aircraft? In 2020 - 2022 the max age for single pilot turbine powered aircraft was 75 years old. In 2023 that age started to trend up to 78. Now in 2024 it’s topped out at 80 years old. I don’t see how it can go...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – October 2024
Does your aviation insurance broker go to bat for you? We’re seeing the market continue to soften. We’re getting 3-4 quotes per client renewal. Similar to what we were seeing back in the soft market between 2010 - 2017. What’s the difference today? There still seems...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – August 2024
Have things started to get volatile in aircraft insurance again? Nothing is given to you. You have to earn it. Same goes for aircraft insurance renewal premiums. Don’t just expect decreases because people have spoken about the “soft market.” Competition drives...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – July 2024
What are the most common topics for aircraft insurance today? In-Aircraft Training vs Simulator for turbine aircraft. What insurance companies approve which? Typically the higher the value like $10M+ and they prefer sim training. Same goes for the liability limit....

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – June 2024
The market has gone flat - 🌊🌊🌊 We’re still getting a lot of calls from aircraft owners out there getting increases in premium this year. Why is that? Probably because their premium is somewhat competitive or their broker hasn’t been able to attract competition Soft...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – May 2024
What’s going on with Aircraft Insurance? We’ve heard a lot about competition and the aviation insurance market turning towards a soft market, which is true, but it’s also a bit divided. Soft areas of the market: Low limits - sub $2,000,000 hull value and liability...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – April 2024
The Name of the Game is relationships Hard areas of the market: TVPX Aircraft, High Hull Value with Heavy Long Distance International Exposure, Foreign Owners, Dealer Brokers Looking for Short Term Policies without prior insurance company contacts. The more unique the...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – March 2024
Our latest insurance market update offers insights into the first quarter of 2024 and what clients can anticipate for the remainder of the 2024 year. A busy Heli Expo has recently come to completion, which was packed with aviation insurance underwriters jockeying for...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – February 2024
Things are heating up in aircraft insurance. Let’s GO! January and February are slower months for us and a time to reflect and create new goals for 2024 The aircraft insurance market is starting to heat up with competition. Check out the below % move and you’ll see...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – January 2024
Happy New Year 2024. Problem, Solution, Repeat Aviation Insurance continues to stabilize with 4 new aviation insurance companies in 2023 Toughest/Hardest/ Highest Rates Areas of the Market: 70+ Year Old Pilots, Old Aircraft Pre 1985, No Current or Previous...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – November 2023 – “competition”
The new aviation insurance companies are starting to get COMPETITIVE! Check out these rate reductions IAT has been very competitive for Owner Flown Single Pilot Turbine, Pilots must be less than 70 years old for new business though Mach 2 is a good new market for...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – October 2023
What are the hardest areas of the aviation insurance market? 70+ Year Old Pilots is for sure #1 Transition Pilots from a Light Aircraft into an Expensive Turbine Transition pilots into Expensive Aircraft with less than 1,000 Total Time or Low Time in General Piaggio,...

Pilot Negligence: Does Your Aircraft Insurance Cover It?
Pilot negligence is one of the leading causes of aviation accidents. While pilots are expected to exercise due care and safety procedures, errors still occur, but sometimes, pilots may be grossly negligent. So, does pilot insurance cover pilot negligence and pilot...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – August 2023
Deflation in Aviation Insurance? Aircraft owners should appreciate the fact there’s FOUR new aviation insurance companies this year. In July’s Market Update, we reported that there were 3 new insurance companies, but that total has now grown to 4 with a new entrant -...

Waiver of Subrogation: Definition, Example & Role in Aviation
Properties, including aircraft, are susceptible to damages caused by accidents and other factors. Hence, there's a need for an insurance policy to protect owners against unforeseen accidents. When insurance providers pay the insured in such events, they shoulder the...

Recreational Pilot vs. Private Pilot
The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) broadly groups pilots into non-commercial and commercial categories. Amongst other pilot classifications under the non-commercial category are private and recreational pilots. While recreational pilots and private pilots both fly...

8 Popular Part 141 Flight Schools
Part 141 of the Federal Aviation Requirements (FAR) provides an alternative to Part 61. Although Part 61 is more flexible, making it an excellent option for part-time students, it requires more flight hours for a training pilot to be certified. Part 141 flight schools...

Private Pilot vs. Commercial Pilot: 4 Major Differences
If you aspire to become a pilot, you must pass tests and training, but the required training usually differs depending on the type of pilot you want to be. Two popular types of pilots are private pilots and commercial pilots. Both pilots operate for different...

How to Read and Understand Your Pilot Warranty
At times, you may have to loan your aircraft to another pilot for one reason or another. If there are damages or, worse, hull loss during the lease period, your pilot warranty in your insurance policy will determine if, or if not, your insurer will cover the claim,...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – July 2023
More Aviation Underwriters Inbound! The pool of aviation insurance companies continues to grow, especially for the mid to light aircraft market. Below are some blog updates I did that should help some of your clients navigate through the owner flown insurance market....

10 Aircraft Eligible for BasicMed
BasicMed, as an alternative to third-class medicals, has become a haven for several pilots, and thankfully, this new medical privilege has allowed many pilots to fly again. While BasicMed generally covers private and recreational pilots, the aircraft limitation...

List of Aviation Insurance Companies
Pilots, aircraft owners, manufacturers, and everyone in the aviation industry constantly face risks of different kinds, and insurance coverage is the best way to counteract such risks. Over the years, several insurance companies have cropped up, providing insurance...

BasicMed Aircraft Limitations
Since the introduction of BasicMed as an alternative to the more stringent third-class medicals, over 80,000 pilots now fly under BasicMed. Undoubtedly, it has been a blessing to the aviation industry, especially to older pilots who were initially unable to fly. ...

The Cost of Airplane Insurance for Private Pilots
Owning a private plane can be an exhilarating experience, offering unparalleled freedom and convenience. However, it's crucial to understand the financial obligations that come with it, one of the most important being insurance. The cost of insuring a private plane...

New Aviation Insurance Companies in 2023
The aviation industry continues to grow rapidly every year, with more pilots getting certified and more aircraft being built. With the industry's rapid growth comes an increase in risk, both in flight and on the ground. Unfortunately, aviation insurance companies are...

Types of Pilot Licenses
The 6 Different Types of Pilot Licenses If you ever have dreams of flying an aircraft or are about to take the bold step, you need a license to operate a registered aircraft. In the U. S., different license types are obtainable, allowing you to fly in different...

BasicMed vs. Class 3 Pilot Certifications Compared
Several health conditions can make flying unsafe, and this is a significant safety concern. As a result, the aviation body requires pilots to undergo medical tests to determine if they are eligible to fly. There are several classes of certification, but...

BasicMed: A Guide to Pilot Certification and Privileges
BasicMed is an alternative to the third-class medical certificate. It allows pilots flying as PICs to fly without holding an FAA certificate as long as they meet the BasicMed requirements. In July 2016, The U.S. Congress passed legislation, enforcing the FAA...

Aircraft Insurance Outlook – May 2023
Anything new with Aircraft Insurance lately? We’d like to report light to moderate turbulence for the aircraft insurance market outlook in May 2023. The general consensus is rates are supposed to continue increasing but we’ve actually seen the market flat and...

2023 CAE Simuflite Insurance Requirements
There are recent changes to the insurance requirements for Embraer and Phenom aircraft pilots at CAE SimuFlite. CAE now requires that pilots provide a certificate of insurance with a liability limit of $50 million for commercial use and $20 million for personal use,...

The 1%, 2%, 3% rule of Aircraft Insurance – April 2023
Here’s the 1%, 2%, 3% rule for piston aircraft insurance premiums. For me it's easier to visualize the premium with a % vs. $ sign. Cirrus SR22: Cirrus SR22 Hull Value $800,000 @ 1%, PRIV INST Pilot = $8,000 Cirrus SR22 Hull Value $800,000 @ 2%, PRIV working on INST =...

Aircraft Insurance Update – February/March 2023
Good Luck in 2023 and Let’s Do Some Deals Quick market update for aircraft insurance in February 2023. Steady, as she goes. MakeModelType of PilotHull ValuePremiumDiamondDA62Owner Pilot Transitioning from Cessna 182T$1,400,000$23,000Honda Jet EliteOwner Pilot 73...

Aircraft Insurance Update – January 2023
Recent Aircraft Insurance Quotes Quick market update for aircraft insurance in December. More insurance companies have been renewing their reinsurance; rates have been increasing significantly for insurance companies to purchase insurance for themselves; Likely to...

Aviation Insurance Update – January 2023
Recent Aviation Insurance Quotes for Work Comp, Products, Excess, GL, FBO, Airport, Property, and Drones Quick market update for Aviation insurance in January 2023. Has your Workers' Compensation carrier non-renewed your Aviation accounts? Sunset Aviation Insurance...

Aircraft Insurance Update – December 2022
Recent Aircraft Insurance Quotes Quick market update for aircraft insurance in December. Insurance companies start to renew their reinsurance treaties between December and February. I’ve heard there’s some big increases in their premiums which will be passed along to...

Do Student Pilots or CFIs Need Non-Owned Insurance?
Learning how to fly can be an incredible experience, both thrilling and challenging. While students gain a newfound sense of freedom in the sky, they must also remember that one wrong move can have serious consequences. Student pilots often think that their...

Aircraft Insurance Update – November 2022
Recent Aircraft Insurance Quotes We’ve seen the aircraft insurance market start to flatten recently. Policy premium increases are slowing down, with the exception of pilots with policies that were below market rates. Some pilots with great resumes have actually seen...

Aircraft Insurance for 70 Year Old Pilots: Tips, Risks, Pricing
When it comes to aviation insurance, underwriters utilize large data sets to determine their risk exposure for a given policyholder. Recreational and private pilots 70 years and older often face steep rate hikes, while others may get dropped from their policy...

List of Flight Schools by Aircraft
Explore our comprehensive list containing over 1000 flight schools, aircraft manufacturer & model, and don’t forget to check out the best Part 141 flight schools. Beech Aircraft 1900 Name of SchoolLocationPhoneFly Right, Inc.Concord, NC(704) 720-9623 Beech...

4 Mistakes to Avoid in Aviation Workers’ Comp Insurance Coverage
Most employers don’t shop around for their workers’ compensation insurance. In general, they find an insurer and continuously renew their policy without revisiting the details or shopping to confirm that they have the coverage they need at the best premium rate. If...

Insurance in new single-pilot mentorship program
CAE and Starr Insurance Partner on Single-Pilot Jet Program At NBAA’s 2021 annual convention, aviation training giant CAE announced a unique partnership with Starr Insurance Companies devised to help single-pilot jet owners who are not professional pilots attain and...

Meet Ben at NBAA’s Owner/Single-Pilot Operator Pavilion
Ben Peterson, founder of Sunset Aviation Insurance, will be on site at NBAA’s new Owner/Single-Pilot Operator Pavilion on October 12-13, 2021 in Las Vegas. Available by appointment at 561-210-0244, Ben will answer questions about aviation insurance and discuss topics...

What Quota Share Means to the Business Aircraft Owner/Operator
Obtaining and keeping your high hull-value business aircraft insurance is getting increasingly difficult in the hardened post-Covid market. With aviation claims costs skyrocketing amid the ever-increasing cost of labor and materials in repair shops, not to mention the...

3 Tips for Buying Aircraft in a Seller’s Market
Buying aircraft, especially pre-owed aircraft, is rough right now. Opportunities and inventory are very low despite a pandemic. I did a little research on what may have contributed to this tight this market and thought I’d share what I learned, along with a few tips I...

Vertical Magazine: What to know about the rising aviation insurance rates
No question about it, we’re experiencing rising aviation insurance rates. Even if you have experienced no claims and your aircraft is decreasing in value, you’ll see that number climb. I’m often asked why rates are going up and what someone can do about keeping them...

Three Reasons You Should Name Pilots on Your Insurance
If you loan out your aircraft—whether on an informal basis to a buddy or formally through a dry lease—does your insurance still cover the hull and liability when another pilot is at the controls? Maybe yes, and maybe no. This is the kind of thing you want clarified...

Aircraft Accident Alert – Bombardier Challenger 605
Bombardier Challenger 605 (N605TR) of Tarco Aircraft Funding LLC seems to have gone out of control and crashed amongst trees on the Ponderosa Golf Course while on final approach to Runway 11 at Truckee, California on July 26, 2021, killing all three on board. The...

What To Do When The Aviation Insurance Market Is Hardening
Recently I have visited TBM Owners and Pilots, Citation Jet Pilots, and Cirrus Now. The topic that was prevalent at all three events was how the insurance market is changing and some people’s rates are up over 50%, whilst others haven’t increased at all. One important...

Analyzing Aircraft Insurance | Corporate Jet Investor (Alasdair Whyte)

When OTC Drugs and Flying Don’t Mix
It’s getting toward the end of a long day and you’re getting ready to go flying. You know this is the time to be at your best—bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, as the saying goes. But maybe your allergies are catching up to you and your eyes are feeling tired and itchy....